Modelo 231 y Código de Ética

Modelo 231 y Código de Ética

Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 («Decree») has introduced an administrative liability of entities regime into the Italian legal system, in particular, as regards certain types of criminal offences perpetrated in their interest or to their advantage, by top executives or by persons under the latter’s management or supervision.

To ensure that the criminal offences under the Decree are prevented, M.T.A. S.P.A. a socio unico has approved and adopted its own organization, management and control model («Model»).

The Model is part of a wider policy pursued by M.T.A. S.P.A. a socio unico aimed at fostering fair trade and transparency in its own business and in liaising with third parties. The Code of Ethic adopted by M.T.A. S.P.A. a socio unico is also included in such policy.

The Board of Directors of M.T.A. S.P.A. a socio unico has set up a Supervisory Body, which has independent decision-making and control powers, and which is in charge of supervising the implementation of and compliance with the Model, and of fostering its continuous update.

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Modelo 231 Código de Ética