MTA SpA, ICS Cool Energy and Trane technicians, service and salespeople come together for a 2 day meeting, workshop and strategy in MTA. On the agenda product portfolio, roadmap, technical and commercial presentations, benchmarks, factory...
LeerMTA proudly joins the campaign against breast cancer promoted by our local Municipality in Conselve. This campaign is aimed at prevention and personal care. With this in mind, MTA has chosen to partner the "Free Mammography and Ultrasound Care...
LeerAnother green day from MTA. Today we added a dozen further charging stations for guests, suppliers and employees. MTA’s commitment to sustainability, also in our offices and factories.
LeerCribis certifies the recognition of maximum commercial reliability for MTA Spa! This recognition is based on the CRIBIS Rating, a dynamic and constantly updated indicator of the reliability of a Company. Cribis is part of Dun & Bradstreet,...
LeerMTA avanza hacia un futuro más verde con TAE N Mini, refrigeradores de líquido industriales con propano - R290. El propano cuenta con una larga historia en refrigeración, pero la creciente necesidad de...