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MTA Spain guest of the ACTECIR

MTA Spain guest of the ACTECIR
MTA Spain guest of the Catalan Association of Technical engineers in Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACTECIR) 
As part of the technical days organised by ACTECIR “Associació Catalana de Tècnics en Energia, Climatització i Refrigeració” (Catalan Association of Technical Engineers in Energy, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) in collaboration with the Companies of the Industrial Council, MTA-Spain, was a guest for a technical workshop on the New technologies for energy efficiency of hydronic air conditioning systems.
The event was held on the afternoon of Thursday 21 May at the rooms of the CETIB “Col·legi d’Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Barcelona” (College of Technical Industrial Engineers of Barcelona), who collaborated with organisation of the event, where a wide variety of System Consultants, Designers, Installers and a representation of the Department of Thermotechnics of the University of Barcelona, collected the evidence of MTA on the subject, with special reference to the aspects of:
- The importance of efficiency on partial loads to retain seasonal energy costs in plants destined for ambient air conditioning.
- Centrifugal compressors with magnetic levitation;
- Microchannel shell evaporators with variable geometry
- Variable flow rate pumping systems;
- Fans with brushless DC motor and electronic switching;
- System control.
The meeting closed with a brief debate on the subject, confirming the acclaimed interest in the policy of MTA products, sensitive to the aspects of system energy saving.
The MTA Group would like to thank all participants in the event, as well as ACTECIR and CETIB for providing the opportunity and the warm welcome we received.