The profile

MTA is an Italian enterprise that has been producing equipment for the treatment of compressed gases, industrial refrigeration and air conditioning for over 30 years.

Over the years, it has succeeded in developing an international commercial presence, earning an excellent reputation for the quality of its products, for its flexibility and customer orientation.

The history

It all began in 1982 in the province of Padua, with the Dry Energy refrigeration dryer, an innovative idea that has made energy efficiency the trademark of the company.

Today MTA is a company that is strongly rooted in Italy, able to offer its customers optimal air and water energy solutions. A significant progression of growth accompanied by demanding challenges and crowned by the satisfaction of the results achieved in the global market, while still adhering to its roots.

The numbers

The potential of today's MTA Group can be better understood by focusing on its data: a company that with 400 employees and 50 ranges of products in 2019 achieved a consolidated turnover of 90 million Euro, with production spread across three production sites in Conselve and Tribano, with a total of 70,000 m² and with a production capacity of 13,500 systems a year.

For MTA exports represent 80% of its turnover, of which 75% in the Eurozone. The main countries are: Germany, France, Italy, the UK and the USA.

Everywhere and independent

MTA, with its network of official representatives, has a presence in over 80 countries throughout the world. The Group subsidiaries cover four continents and are located in: Australia, France, Germany, Spain and the United States; a presence that guarantees an excellent geographical coverage for customers.

The streamlined and independent managerial structure enables value to be implemented where required, according to the needs of the market, in terms of rapid and flexible strategies.